Cyprus Public Company
Cyprus Public Company Limited by Shares
Any company registered under the Act whose Articles do not contain the restrictions applicable to private companies is a public company. A public company may obtain a listing on the Cyprus Stock Exchange.
Main Features:
Regulation — Companies Law (Chapter 113)
- Able to make public share offerings
- Incorporated with 7 members minimum
- Limited by shares
- Memorandum can be specially worded by special resolution to make the liability of directors and managers unlimited
- Can take the form of a ‘Company limited by guarantee’ if liability of members is limited to the amount that each member intends to contribute to the company’s assets if the company is liquidated
- Subscribers unable to take less than one share
- Must have no less than 2 directors
- Secretary required and unable to be director as well
- Must keep share register and register of directors and secretaries at registered office
- Memorandum can be specially worded by special resolution to make the liability of directors and managers unlimited
- Must submit annual returns